Outdoor Bowls

Outdoor Bowls AGM

On Thursday evening we held AGM of the outdoor bowls section in the members room.Richard Baulch informed the meeting he was not going to stand for President for 2024 -25 season.Past vice president Ian Hobson was elected to lead the club forward for a second term having been President in 2018-19 .A big thank you to Richard for his tireless work while in the big chair!Also not seeking re election was past President Jack Lia who is leaving the district for a sea change as with Richard,Jack did the club proud of his achievements while on the committee.Peter Symons was elected Vice President with Graeme Greene continuing his important role as secretary along with Wendy Rettke providing support as his assistant.Existing members Rhonda Kyval and Ted Armstrong were joined by newcomers Glenda Wines Christine Gray.It was suggested in general business we trial holding our meetings on Sunday afternoons.So on 19th May 2 pm we holding a special meeting to discuss O&M potential possibilities to cater for NSW clubs entering the region 2024-25 pennant season.All members are encouraged to attend this important meeting!